Optimal Acceptance Procedures for Statistical Construction Specifications

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(199)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Aug 28, 1998
Solicitation Number: 100
Partners: CT, IADOT, IL, KS, LA, MN, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OR, PADOT, SC, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY
Contractor(s): Clemson University
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: May 18, 2010
Contract End Date: Oct 28, 2003
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $231,000.00
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $231,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Not Requested
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Illinois Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Jeff South Eric Harm
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $4,000.00 John Smythe John Smythe
Iowa Department of Transportation 1999 $2,000.00 John Smythe John Smythe
Kansas Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Jim Kowach Jim Kowach
Kansas Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Jim Kowach Jim Kowach
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1998 $10,000.00 Chris Abadie Chris Abadie
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1999 $10,000.00 Chris Abadie Chris Abadie
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Ron Cassellius Ron Cassellius
Nevada Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Gary Selmi Keith Maki
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Richard Weed Richard Weed
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Richard Weed Richard Weed
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Deniz Sandhu Deniz Sandhu
New York State Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Deniz Sandhu Deniz Sandhu
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Steve DeWitt Pat Strong
Oregon Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Ken Stoneman Galen McGill
Oregon Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Ken Stoneman Galen McGill
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Roger Apple Beth Mroczka
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Roger Apple Beth Mroczka
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Richard Stewart Richard Stewart
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Richard Stewart Richard Stewart
Texas Department of Transportation 1998 $20,000.00 Jeff Seiders Jon Underwood
Virginia Department of Transportation 1999 $15,000.00 Charles Hughes Charles Hughes
Virginia Department of Transportation 2000 $10,000.00 Charles Hughes Charles Hughes
Washington State Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Tom Nelson Kim Willoughby
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Kurt Johnson Karen Porter
Wyoming Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00


To develop a comprehensive manual providing step-by-step procedures and instructions for the development of effective and efficient quality assurance specifications.


Available reports: FHWA-RD-02-095 (Optimal Procedures for Quality Assurance specifications) and FHWA-HRT-04-046 (Evaluation of Procedures for Quality Assurance Specifications). Also TechBrief HRT-04-034 (Optimal Procedures for Quality Assurance Specifications).

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No document attached.

Optimal Acceptance Procedures for Statistical Construction Specifications

General Information
Study Number: SPR-2(199)
Lead Organization: Federal Highway Administration
Contract Start Date: Aug 28, 1998
Solicitation Number: 100
Partners: CT, IADOT, IL, KS, LA, MN, NC, NJ, NV, NY, OR, PADOT, SC, TX, VA, WA, WI, WY
Contractor(s): Clemson University
Status: Closed
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: May 18, 2010
Contract End Date: Oct 28, 2003
Financial Summary
Contract Amount: $231,000.00
Total Commitments Received: $231,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Gary Jensen
Phone: 202- 366-2048
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Connecticut Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00
Illinois Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Jeff South Eric Harm 217- 782-7200 DOT.BMPR.RESEARCH@illinois.gov
Iowa Department of Transportation 1998 $4,000.00 John Smythe John Smythe 515-239-1503 john.smythe@iowadot.us
Iowa Department of Transportation 1999 $2,000.00 John Smythe John Smythe 515-239-1503 john.smythe@iowadot.us
Kansas Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Jim Kowach Jim Kowach 785-296-3756
Kansas Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Jim Kowach Jim Kowach 785-296-3756
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1998 $10,000.00 Chris Abadie Chris Abadie 225-767-9109 chrisabadie@dotd.louisiana.gov
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development 1999 $10,000.00 Chris Abadie Chris Abadie 225-767-9109 chrisabadie@dotd.louisiana.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Ron Cassellius Ron Cassellius
Nevada Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Gary Selmi Keith Maki 702- 888-7446
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Richard Weed Richard Weed 609-530-2000
New Jersey Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Richard Weed Richard Weed 609-530-2000
New York State Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Deniz Sandhu Deniz Sandhu 518-457-4687
New York State Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Deniz Sandhu Deniz Sandhu 518-457-4687
North Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Steve DeWitt Pat Strong 919-715-2464
Oregon Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Ken Stoneman Galen McGill 503-986-2845
Oregon Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Ken Stoneman Galen McGill 503-986-2845
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Roger Apple Beth Mroczka 717-705-2201 mamroczka@state.pa.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 1999 $10,000.00 Roger Apple Beth Mroczka 717-705-2201 mamroczka@state.pa.us
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1998 $5,000.00 Richard Stewart Richard Stewart 803-737-6681
South Carolina Department of Transportation 1999 $5,000.00 Richard Stewart Richard Stewart 803-737-6681
Texas Department of Transportation 1998 $20,000.00 Jeff Seiders Jon Underwood 512-463-8585
Virginia Department of Transportation 1999 $15,000.00 Charles Hughes Charles Hughes 434-293-1913 Charles.Hughes@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Virginia Department of Transportation 2000 $10,000.00 Charles Hughes Charles Hughes 434-293-1913 Charles.Hughes@VDOT.Virginia.gov
Washington State Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Tom Nelson Kim Willoughby 360-705-7978 willouk@wsdot.wa.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 1998 $10,000.00 Kurt Johnson Karen Porter 608- 266-3199
Wyoming Department of Transportation 1998 $0.00

Study Description


To develop a comprehensive manual providing step-by-step procedures and instructions for the development of effective and efficient quality assurance specifications.


Available reports: FHWA-RD-02-095 (Optimal Procedures for Quality Assurance specifications) and FHWA-HRT-04-046 (Evaluation of Procedures for Quality Assurance Specifications). Also TechBrief HRT-04-034 (Optimal Procedures for Quality Assurance Specifications).

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