General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(456)
Former Study Number:
Lead Organization: Arkansas Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1500
Partners: AR, CA, CT, GADOT, IL, KS, MA, MN, ND, NE, NJ, NV, OK, OR, SC, TN, TX, VA, WI
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2023
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Suggested Contribution:
Total Commitments Received: $380,000.00
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Sunny Farmahan
Study Champion(s): Brad McCaleb
Phone: 501-569-2201
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name
Arkansas Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Sunny Farmahan Bethany Stovall
California Department of Transportation 2022 $20,000.00 Eric Gudz Eric Gudz
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski
Georgia Department of Transportation 2020 $11,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa
Georgia Department of Transportation 2021 $0.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa
Georgia Department of Transportation 2022 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa
Georgia Department of Transportation 2024 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa
Illinois Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Illinois Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Illinois Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Illinois Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Illinois Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Illinois Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof
Kansas Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Michael Moriarty David Behzadpour
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2021 $20,000.00 Deanna Belden Deanna Belden
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2024 $8,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer
Nevada Department of Transportation 2020 $0.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers
Nevada Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers
Nevada Department of Transportation 2022 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers
Nevada Department of Transportation 2023 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers
Nevada Department of Transportation 2024 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Jamie Derose Giri Venkiteela
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Jamie Derose Giri Venkiteela
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2022 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2023 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2024 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky
Oklahoma Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2021 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2022 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2023 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb
Oklahoma Transportation 2024 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb
Oregon Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino
Oregon Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino
Oregon Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino
Oregon Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino
Oregon Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Crystal McCutcheon Terry Swygert
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 David Lee Melanie Murphy
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2021 $20,000.00 David Lee Melanie Murphy
Texas Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila
Texas Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila
Virginia Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh
Virginia Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Elizabeth Peckham Ethan Severson

Study Description

EconWorks is a simplified economic modeling tool that uses data and information from before/after case studies of transportation projects to better understand economic impacts. EconWorks is the combination of results from two TRB research initiatives in the Capacity focus area of SHRP2. In 2015, The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), under the SHRP2 cooperative agreement to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) bundled the implementation tools from the TRB research (C03: Transportation Project Impact Case Studies and C11: Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation). This phase of work included rebranding the product as EconWorks, developing a website to host the C03 and C11 tools, developing training and providing technical assistance, developing new case studies, making necessary updates to the estimation tool and spreadsheets, and coordinating with an Expert Task Group. EconWorks is designed to help transportation professionals make more comprehensive and realistic assessments of the economic development impacts of transportation projects. These tools help estimate which transportation improvements will support economic vitality by allowing decision makers to gauge the potential increases in jobs and output, and by providing estimates of economic benefits in the areas of travel time reliability, access to labor and goods markets, and intermodal connectivity. Each of the tools is designed to require data that are relatively easily collected or assembled. The foundation of EconWorks rests on case studies that are prepared and entered into a database. Currently, there are 140 case studies which are multimodal in nature. The SHRP2 Implementation Program is currently continuing the operation, maintenance and improvement of EconWorks, however funding for EconWorks will ended December 2018. During the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning August 2017 business meeting, SCOP members saw the value for transportation planners in the EconWorks website and tools and supports the continued operation of EconWorks through a pooled fund project.


The focus of this pooled fund project will be to support transportation planners with a better understanding of the economic impact of transportation projects by continuing the overall operation, maintenance and improvement to the EconWorks website, and completing and adding additional case studies to provide more robust economic analysis.

Scope of Work

The scope of work to operate, maintain and improve the EconWorks website over a five-year period (2019 to 2024) includes the following: • Host the website and ensure EconWorks tools are operational for all users. • Provide technical assistance to users utilizing the EconWorks website and tools. • Develop and add new case studies for inclusions into the EconWorks database. • Provide webinars and other outreach efforts to ensure all target audiences understand the benefits of EconWorks and are kept up to date on user tips. • Provide oversight and management of the EconWorks website. Provide for ongoing support of the site after the termination of the pooled fund study.


It is estimated that each pooled fund member would need to pay $20,000 total over the five years. Members would be able to pay as a lump sum or spread the cost out over the five-year period. FHWA has also committed to being a funding partner for the pooled fund as well. The total cost of the pooled fund is expected to be $650,000 over the five-year period (2019 to 2024).

Subjects: Planning and Administration

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Acceptance Letter Acceptance Letter - EconWorks.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2020-07-27
Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Waiver Approval Letter EconWorks Improved Economic Insight Waiver - 041819.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2019-04-18


General Information
Study Number: TPF-5(456)
Lead Organization: Arkansas Department of Transportation
Solicitation Number: 1500
Partners: AR, CA, CT, GADOT, IL, KS, MA, MN, ND, NE, NJ, NV, OK, OR, SC, TN, TX, VA, WI
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Est. Completion Date:
Contract/Other Number:
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2023
Contract End Date:
Financial Summary
Contract Amount:
Total Commitments Received: $380,000.00
100% SP&R Approval:
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Sunny Farmahan
Commitments by Organizations
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
Arkansas Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Sunny Farmahan Bethany Stovall (501)569-2279
California Department of Transportation 2022 $20,000.00 Eric Gudz Eric Gudz 916-639-6389
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Peter Calcaterra Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144
Georgia Department of Transportation 2020 $11,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa 404-631-1797
Georgia Department of Transportation 2021 $0.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa 404-631-1797
Georgia Department of Transportation 2022 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa 404-631-1797
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa 404-631-1797
Georgia Department of Transportation 2024 $3,000.00 Stephanie Williams Habte Kassa 404-631-1797
Illinois Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Illinois Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Illinois Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Illinois Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Illinois Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Illinois Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Holly Ostdick Michael Vanderhoof 217-782-8080
Kansas Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Michael Moriarty David Behzadpour 785-291-3847
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver (857)368-9025
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver (857)368-9025
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver (857)368-9025
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver (857)368-9025
Massachusetts Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Derek Krevat Lily Oliver (857)368-9025
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2021 $20,000.00 Deanna Belden Deanna Belden
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer (402) 479-3163
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer (402) 479-3163
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer (402) 479-3163
Nebraska Department of Transportation 2024 $8,000.00 Jarrod Walker Mark Fischer (402) 479-3163
Nevada Department of Transportation 2020 $0.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Nevada Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Nevada Department of Transportation 2022 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Nevada Department of Transportation 2023 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
Nevada Department of Transportation 2024 $5,000.00 Kevin Verre Ken Chambers (775) 888-7220
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 Jamie Derose Giri Venkiteela 6099632239
New Jersey Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Jamie Derose Giri Venkiteela 6099632239
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2021 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky 701-328-2642
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2022 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky 701-328-2642
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2023 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky 701-328-2642
North Dakota Department of Transportation 2024 $5,000.00 Cullen Gress Scott Zainhofsky 701-328-2642
Oklahoma Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2021 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2022 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2023 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oklahoma Transportation 2024 $0.00 Laura Chaney Ron Curb (405)414-7740
Oregon Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino 503-986-2845
Oregon Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino 503-986-2845
Oregon Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino 503-986-2845
Oregon Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino 503-986-2845
Oregon Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Michael Bufalino Michael Bufalino 503-986-2845
South Carolina Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Crystal McCutcheon Terry Swygert 803-737-6691
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2019 $0.00 David Lee Melanie Murphy 615-253-2158
Tennessee Department of Transportation 2021 $20,000.00 David Lee Melanie Murphy 615-253-2158
Texas Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Texas Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Will Etheredge Ned Mattila 512-416-4727
Virginia Department of Transportation 2020 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2021 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2022 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2023 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Virginia Department of Transportation 2024 $4,000.00 Audrey Moruza Bill Kelsh 434-293-1934
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2020 $20,000.00 Elizabeth Peckham Ethan Severson 608-266-1457

Study Description

Study Description

EconWorks is a simplified economic modeling tool that uses data and information from before/after case studies of transportation projects to better understand economic impacts. EconWorks is the combination of results from two TRB research initiatives in the Capacity focus area of SHRP2. In 2015, The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), under the SHRP2 cooperative agreement to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) bundled the implementation tools from the TRB research (C03: Transportation Project Impact Case Studies and C11: Tools for Assessing Wider Economic Benefits of Transportation). This phase of work included rebranding the product as EconWorks, developing a website to host the C03 and C11 tools, developing training and providing technical assistance, developing new case studies, making necessary updates to the estimation tool and spreadsheets, and coordinating with an Expert Task Group. EconWorks is designed to help transportation professionals make more comprehensive and realistic assessments of the economic development impacts of transportation projects. These tools help estimate which transportation improvements will support economic vitality by allowing decision makers to gauge the potential increases in jobs and output, and by providing estimates of economic benefits in the areas of travel time reliability, access to labor and goods markets, and intermodal connectivity. Each of the tools is designed to require data that are relatively easily collected or assembled. The foundation of EconWorks rests on case studies that are prepared and entered into a database. Currently, there are 140 case studies which are multimodal in nature. The SHRP2 Implementation Program is currently continuing the operation, maintenance and improvement of EconWorks, however funding for EconWorks will ended December 2018. During the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning August 2017 business meeting, SCOP members saw the value for transportation planners in the EconWorks website and tools and supports the continued operation of EconWorks through a pooled fund project.


The focus of this pooled fund project will be to support transportation planners with a better understanding of the economic impact of transportation projects by continuing the overall operation, maintenance and improvement to the EconWorks website, and completing and adding additional case studies to provide more robust economic analysis.

Scope of Work

The scope of work to operate, maintain and improve the EconWorks website over a five-year period (2019 to 2024) includes the following: • Host the website and ensure EconWorks tools are operational for all users. • Provide technical assistance to users utilizing the EconWorks website and tools. • Develop and add new case studies for inclusions into the EconWorks database. • Provide webinars and other outreach efforts to ensure all target audiences understand the benefits of EconWorks and are kept up to date on user tips. • Provide oversight and management of the EconWorks website. Provide for ongoing support of the site after the termination of the pooled fund study.


It is estimated that each pooled fund member would need to pay $20,000 total over the five years. Members would be able to pay as a lump sum or spread the cost out over the five-year period. FHWA has also committed to being a funding partner for the pooled fund as well. The total cost of the pooled fund is expected to be $650,000 over the five-year period (2019 to 2024).

Subjects: Planning and Administration

Title File/Link Type Private
Acceptance Letter Acceptance Letter - EconWorks.pdf Memorandum Public
Title File/Link Type Private
Waiver Approval Letter EconWorks Improved Economic Insight Waiver - 041819.pdf Memorandum Public

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