General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(516) |
Former Study Number: | TPF-5(255) |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Solicitation Number: | 1577 |
Partners: | AR, CA, FL, IADOT, ID, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MO, MS, NV, OH, PADOT, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Sep 19, 2023 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Suggested Contribution: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $1,472,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: | Approved |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Matthew Hinshaw | || | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Matthew Hinshaw | || |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2028 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi |
California Department of Transportation | 2025 | $80,000.00 | Akber Ali | Sang Le |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark |
Idaho Department of Transportation | 2023 | $80,000.00 | Kelly Campbell | Ned Parrish |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2024 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2025 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2026 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2027 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Kevin Scopoline | Evelyn Bromberg |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Kevin Scopoline | Evelyn Bromberg |
In 2010, the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) published the Highway Safety Manual 1st Edition (HSM). At that time, the AASHTO Committee on Safety
established a goal in its Strategic Plan to institutionalize the HSM and its
associated analytical tools to help transportation agencies make data-driven
decisions, advance the science of safety, and to ultimately reduce fatalities
and serious injuries. One proposed action in support of that goal was to
establish and maintain an HSM Implementation Pooled Fund Study. The Federal Highway Administration agreed to
organize and manage the TPF-5(255) Highway Safety Manual Implementation
Pooled-Fund Study, in which 22 States ultimately participated. With the anticipated publication of the
AASHTO HSM Second Edition (estimated 2025), there is strong interest from States
to establish a new pooled fund to accelerate implementation of HSM2.
Accelerate implementation of HSM2 and related analytical tools to assess
current and future safety performance of existing roadways and alternative
designs, and help practitioners make more informed decisions, better target
investments, and reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the nations
roadways. This includes activities before and after publication of HSM2 (anticipated 2025).
Requested commitment is $80,000 over five years ($16,000 per year).
Subjects: Highway and Facility Design Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Safety and Human Performance
General Information |
Study Number: | TPF-5(516) |
Lead Organization: | Federal Highway Administration |
Solicitation Number: | 1577 |
Partners: | AR, CA, FL, IADOT, ID, KS, KY, LA, MA, MI, MO, MS, NV, OH, PADOT, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI |
Status: | Cleared by FHWA |
Est. Completion Date: | |
Contract/Other Number: | |
Last Updated: | Sep 19, 2023 |
Contract End Date: |
Financial Summary |
Contract Amount: | |
Total Commitments Received: | $1,472,000.00 |
100% SP&R Approval: |
Contact Information |
Lead Study Contact(s): | Matthew Hinshaw | || | |||
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): | Matthew Hinshaw | || |
Organization | Year | Commitments | Technical Contact Name | Funding Contact Name | Contact Number | Email Address |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
Arkansas Department of Transportation | 2028 | $0.00 | Adnan Qazi | Adnan Qazi | 501-569-2642 | |
California Department of Transportation | 2025 | $80,000.00 | Akber Ali | Sang Le | (916)701-3998 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Florida Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Chris Lewis | Jennifer Clark | 850-414-4614 | |
Idaho Department of Transportation | 2023 | $80,000.00 | Kelly Campbell | Ned Parrish | 208-334-8296 | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2024 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2025 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2026 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- | -- | |
Iowa Department of Transportation | 2027 | $20,000.00 | Hossein Naraghi | -- -- | -- | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kansas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Haley Dougherty | David Behzadpour | 785-291-3847 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Kentucky Transportation Cabinet | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Deanna Mills | Jarrod Stanley | (502) 782-4090 | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow | | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow | | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow | | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow | | |
Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Adriane McRae | Tyson Rupnow | | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin | 814-360-6988 | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin | 814-360-6988 | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin | 814-360-6988 | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin | 814-360-6988 | |
Massachusetts Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Bonnie Polin | Hao Yin | 814-360-6988 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Michigan Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Daniel Garcia | Andre' Clover | 517-749-9001 | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance | | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance | | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance | | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance | | |
Mississippi Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Mark Thomas | Robert Vance | | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Missouri Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Katy Harlan | Jennifer Harper | 573-526-3636 | |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury | (775) 888-7223 | |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury | (775) 888-7223 | |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury | (775) 888-7223 | |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury | (775) 888-7223 | |
Nevada Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Lacey Tisler | Lucy Koury | (775) 888-7223 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Ohio Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Brenton Bogard | Vicky Fout | 614-466-3029 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Jason Hershock | Evan Zeiders | 717-787-8460 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Texas Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Khalid Jamil | Ned Mattila | 512-416-4727 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Utah Department of Transportation | 2028 | $16,000.00 | Jeff Lewis | David Stevens | 801-589-8340 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Virginia Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Stephen Read | Bill Kelsh | 434-293-1934 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2023 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin | 360-705-7972 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin | 360-705-7972 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin | 360-705-7972 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2026 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin | 360-705-7972 | |
Washington State Department of Transportation | 2027 | $16,000.00 | Dongho Chang | Douglas Brodin | 360-705-7972 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2024 | $16,000.00 | Kevin Scopoline | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
Wisconsin Department of Transportation | 2025 | $16,000.00 | Kevin Scopoline | Evelyn Bromberg | 608-267-7360 | |
In 2010, the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
(AASHTO) published the Highway Safety Manual 1st Edition (HSM). At that time, the AASHTO Committee on Safety
established a goal in its Strategic Plan to institutionalize the HSM and its
associated analytical tools to help transportation agencies make data-driven
decisions, advance the science of safety, and to ultimately reduce fatalities
and serious injuries. One proposed action in support of that goal was to
establish and maintain an HSM Implementation Pooled Fund Study. The Federal Highway Administration agreed to
organize and manage the TPF-5(255) Highway Safety Manual Implementation
Pooled-Fund Study, in which 22 States ultimately participated. With the anticipated publication of the
AASHTO HSM Second Edition (estimated 2025), there is strong interest from States
to establish a new pooled fund to accelerate implementation of HSM2.
Accelerate implementation of HSM2 and related analytical tools to assess
current and future safety performance of existing roadways and alternative
designs, and help practitioners make more informed decisions, better target
investments, and reduce fatalities and serious injuries on the nations
roadways. This includes activities before and after publication of HSM2 (anticipated 2025).
Requested commitment is $80,000 over five years ($16,000 per year).
Subjects: Highway and Facility Design Highway Operations, Capacity, and Traffic Control Safety and Human Performance
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Apr-Jun 2024 | TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Apr-Jun 2024.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Jan-Mar 2024 | TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Jan-Mar 2024.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Oct-Dec 2023 | TPF-5(255) and TPF-5(516).Quarterly Progress Report_Oct-Dec 2023.pdf | Progress Report | Public |
FHWA Led - Acceptance Memo - TPF-5(516) | FHWA Led - Acceptance Memo - TPF-5(516).pdf | Memorandum | Public |
Title | File/Link | Type | Private |
Approval Waiver Memo | FHWA Led Approval of SPR Waiver Memo#1577.pdf | Memorandum | Public |