Expansion: Enhanced Traffic Signal Performance Measures

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1589
Former Study Number: TPF-5(377)
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Date Posted: Nov 15, 2022
Last Updated: May 31, 2023
Solicitation Expires: Nov 15, 2023
Partners: CA, CT, GADOT, MN, MS, NC, OH, PADOT, TX, UT, WI
Lead Organization: Indiana Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2023
Commitment End Year: 2026
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $840,000.00
Commitments Received: $1,100,000.00
Estimated Duration Month: 36
Waiver Requested: Yes
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Tommy Nantung
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Richard Denney
Phone: 410-962-4796
Study Champion(s): Jim Sturdevant
Phone: 317-899-8617
Organization Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Michael Robinson Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2023 $30,000.00 James Sullivan Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2024 $30,000.00 James Sullivan Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2026 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2026 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Jeremy Iwen Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov


The Pooled Fund Project TPF-5(377) is led by Indiana and includes participation from FHWA, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. The project developed methodologies and tools for using high resolution vehicle trajectory data to compute enhanced traffic signal performance measures. Significant outcomes from the study are listed at the end of this document in the reference section.

The Indiana led pooled fund traffic signal research projects have a strong history of implementation. The first study, TPF-5(259), was recognized by EDC 4 and virtually all controllers now provide high resolution data logging. There is a strong commercial base of advanced traffic signal performance measure providers. The technical reports from TPF-5(259) listed below are widely distributed and cited.

·       Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Systems: An Outcome-Oriented Approach. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284315333

·       Integrating Traffic Signal Performance Measures into Agency Business Processes. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284316063


Similarly, TPF-5(377) is now stimulating a second generation of commercial implementation of trajectory based traffic signal performance measures. The current TPF-5(377) project end date is June 20, 2023.


During the April 2022 TPF-5(377) Pooled Fund Study Panel Meeting in Columbus, OH, participating states expressed interest in developing a new study led by a neutral state/academic partner in the following areas:

1.       Broadening performance measures to additional modes that are impacted by traffic signal systems, particularly transit and pedestrians.

2.       Identifying use cases for enhanced probe data beyond the current trajectory and hard braking/hard acceleration data.

3.       Integrated Analysis of High-res Controller Data and Trajectory Probe Data


These initiatives would complement and expand the past work the multi-state team has done in the area of enhanced traffic signal performance measures using connected vehicle data.

Scope of Work

1.       Identify commercial probe data sets that are available and procure one month of probe data for each participating state. This task is important as there has been substantial growth in connected vehicle data attributes since TPF-5(377) was initiated. In addition to passenger car trajectories and hard braking, there are now data elements that include finer gradations of hard braking, finer gradations of acceleration, traction control (winter conditions), commercial truck trajectories, and electric vehicles. In consultation with the panel, the research team will acquire as broad and inclusive connected vehicle data as financially feasible.

2.       Perform penetration analysis of connected vehicle data to understand how it varies by state. There is broad interest in ensuring that the connected vehicle is representative and has sufficient penetration to provide accurate performance measures. The previous pooled fund study looked at penetration of passenger cars in the participating states (Figure 1) in August 2021. There was considerable regional variation (Figure 2). A preliminary analysis of connected

trucks data in Indiana, indicated that connected truck data should also be considered to increase penetration. Although truck data is relatively modest during peak hours, including truck data provides a more representative analysis of how a traffic signal performs.

3.       Update performance measure analysis techniques to examine how mix of commercial vehicles and passenger cars impact a traffic signal operation. For many decades, the highway capacity manual has used the heave vehicle ( fhv)adjustment factor. However, the validation on this has been quite limited. We now have an opportunity to evaluate the impact of heavy vehicles on traffic signals at scale.

4.       Identify transit agencies in participating states that have AVL/connected bus data available to share with research team. This task is important as the infrastructure bill has several programs that touch both transit and traffic signal systems so it is important to enhance performance measure analysis to be inclusive of transit vehicles. We anticipate this providing an important framework for factual and constructive dialog between traffic signal operators and transit operators. For example, we now have the ability to directly compare transit operating performance measures with passenger cars and trucks operating in the same stream. Figure 4 illustrates a heatmap showing bus performance measures that can be overlayed with traffic signal performance measures to identify if there are opportunities to improve traffic signal operation.

5.       Integrate trajectory data and high resolution data to characterize how performance measures such as split failure and arrival on green vary depending if they are calculated using trajectory data or traditional high resolution data. This will be important to document so agencies that have well established ATSPM programs using traditional hi-res data can easily transition to trajectory based ATSPM.

6.       Integrate trajectory data and high resolution controller data for multi-modal analysis. Pedestrian push button information have long been available in hi-resolution logs, but they do not provide demand level data. Many of the new camera systems (such as Miovision) can provide reasonable measurement of pedestrian movements in cross walks. This task will look at opportunities to integrate traffic signal data, such as pedestrian movements, with trajectory based traffic signal performance measures so that there is an opportunity for constructive and factual dialog on how to most effectively operate traffic signals in areas where pedestrian demand varies by time and location.

7.       Prepare final report.


Funding requested:  $120,000 ($40,000 per year for three years) from each participating state.

Proposed starting date: January 1, 2023

Please see the enclosed proposal.

Documents Attached
Title File/Link Document Category Document Type Privacy Document Date Download
Approved SP&R Waiver State Led Approval SPR Waiver Memo#1589.TS.pdf Memorandum Other Public 2022-12-13
Proposal of TPF-5(377) Expansion Proposal of TPF-5(377) Expansion.pdf TPF Study Documentation Solicitation Public 2022-11-15

Expansion: Enhanced Traffic Signal Performance Measures

General Information
Solicitation Number: 1589
Status: Cleared by FHWA
Date Posted: Nov 15, 2022
Last Updated: May 31, 2023
Solicitation Expires: Nov 15, 2023
Partners: CA, CT, GADOT, MN, MS, NC, OH, PADOT, TX, UT, WI
Lead Organization: Indiana Department of Transportation
Financial Summary
Suggested Contribution:
Commitment Start Year: 2023
Commitment End Year: 2026
100% SP&R Approval: Approved
Commitments Required: $840,000.00
Commitments Received: $1,100,000.00
Contact Information
Lead Study Contact(s): Tommy Nantung
FHWA Technical Liaison(s): Richard Denney
Phone: 410-962-4796
Commitments by Organizations
Agency Year Commitments Technical Contact Name Funding Contact Name Contact Number Email Address
California Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Michael Robinson Sang Le (916)701-3998 sang.le@dot.ca.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Connecticut Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Kevin Danh Melanie Zimyeski (860)594-2144 Melanie.Zimyeski@ct.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Georgia Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Justin Hatch Brennan Roney 404-347-0595 broney@dot.ga.gov
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Minnesota Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Derek Lehrke Leif Halverson Leif.Halverson@state.mn.us
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2023 $30,000.00 James Sullivan Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
Mississippi Department of Transportation 2024 $30,000.00 James Sullivan Robert Vance RVance@mdot.ms.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
North Carolina Department of Transportation 2026 $40,000.00 Meghan LeBlanc Curtis Bradley 919-707-6661 cbradley8@ncdot.gov
Ohio Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Transportation 2026 $40,000.00 Charles Fisher General Research 614-644-8135 Research@dot.state.oh.us
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Pennsylvania Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Steve Gault Evan Zeiders 717-787-8460 evzeiders@pa.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Texas Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Tomas Lindheimer Ned Mattila 512-416-4727 ned.mattila@txdot.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2023 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2024 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Utah Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Mark Taylor David Stevens 801-589-8340 davidstevens@utah.gov
Wisconsin Department of Transportation 2025 $40,000.00 Jeremy Iwen Evelyn Bromberg 608-267-7360 evelyn.bromberg@dot.wi.gov


The Pooled Fund Project TPF-5(377) is led by Indiana and includes participation from FHWA, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, and Wisconsin. The project developed methodologies and tools for using high resolution vehicle trajectory data to compute enhanced traffic signal performance measures. Significant outcomes from the study are listed at the end of this document in the reference section.

The Indiana led pooled fund traffic signal research projects have a strong history of implementation. The first study, TPF-5(259), was recognized by EDC 4 and virtually all controllers now provide high resolution data logging. There is a strong commercial base of advanced traffic signal performance measure providers. The technical reports from TPF-5(259) listed below are widely distributed and cited.

·       Performance Measures for Traffic Signal Systems: An Outcome-Oriented Approach. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284315333

·       Integrating Traffic Signal Performance Measures into Agency Business Processes. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284316063


Similarly, TPF-5(377) is now stimulating a second generation of commercial implementation of trajectory based traffic signal performance measures. The current TPF-5(377) project end date is June 20, 2023.


During the April 2022 TPF-5(377) Pooled Fund Study Panel Meeting in Columbus, OH, participating states expressed interest in developing a new study led by a neutral state/academic partner in the following areas:

1.       Broadening performance measures to additional modes that are impacted by traffic signal systems, particularly transit and pedestrians.

2.       Identifying use cases for enhanced probe data beyond the current trajectory and hard braking/hard acceleration data.

3.       Integrated Analysis of High-res Controller Data and Trajectory Probe Data


These initiatives would complement and expand the past work the multi-state team has done in the area of enhanced traffic signal performance measures using connected vehicle data.

Scope of Work

1.       Identify commercial probe data sets that are available and procure one month of probe data for each participating state. This task is important as there has been substantial growth in connected vehicle data attributes since TPF-5(377) was initiated. In addition to passenger car trajectories and hard braking, there are now data elements that include finer gradations of hard braking, finer gradations of acceleration, traction control (winter conditions), commercial truck trajectories, and electric vehicles. In consultation with the panel, the research team will acquire as broad and inclusive connected vehicle data as financially feasible.

2.       Perform penetration analysis of connected vehicle data to understand how it varies by state. There is broad interest in ensuring that the connected vehicle is representative and has sufficient penetration to provide accurate performance measures. The previous pooled fund study looked at penetration of passenger cars in the participating states (Figure 1) in August 2021. There was considerable regional variation (Figure 2). A preliminary analysis of connected

trucks data in Indiana, indicated that connected truck data should also be considered to increase penetration. Although truck data is relatively modest during peak hours, including truck data provides a more representative analysis of how a traffic signal performs.

3.       Update performance measure analysis techniques to examine how mix of commercial vehicles and passenger cars impact a traffic signal operation. For many decades, the highway capacity manual has used the heave vehicle ( fhv)adjustment factor. However, the validation on this has been quite limited. We now have an opportunity to evaluate the impact of heavy vehicles on traffic signals at scale.

4.       Identify transit agencies in participating states that have AVL/connected bus data available to share with research team. This task is important as the infrastructure bill has several programs that touch both transit and traffic signal systems so it is important to enhance performance measure analysis to be inclusive of transit vehicles. We anticipate this providing an important framework for factual and constructive dialog between traffic signal operators and transit operators. For example, we now have the ability to directly compare transit operating performance measures with passenger cars and trucks operating in the same stream. Figure 4 illustrates a heatmap showing bus performance measures that can be overlayed with traffic signal performance measures to identify if there are opportunities to improve traffic signal operation.

5.       Integrate trajectory data and high resolution data to characterize how performance measures such as split failure and arrival on green vary depending if they are calculated using trajectory data or traditional high resolution data. This will be important to document so agencies that have well established ATSPM programs using traditional hi-res data can easily transition to trajectory based ATSPM.

6.       Integrate trajectory data and high resolution controller data for multi-modal analysis. Pedestrian push button information have long been available in hi-resolution logs, but they do not provide demand level data. Many of the new camera systems (such as Miovision) can provide reasonable measurement of pedestrian movements in cross walks. This task will look at opportunities to integrate traffic signal data, such as pedestrian movements, with trajectory based traffic signal performance measures so that there is an opportunity for constructive and factual dialog on how to most effectively operate traffic signals in areas where pedestrian demand varies by time and location.

7.       Prepare final report.


Funding requested:  $120,000 ($40,000 per year for three years) from each participating state.

Proposed starting date: January 1, 2023

Please see the enclosed proposal.

Title Type Private
Approved SP&R Waiver Memorandum N
Proposal of TPF-5(377) Expansion TPF Study Documentation N

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